Friday, June 11, 2010

what is the purpose of college

To me College is the ultimate swindle. I wonder if college is even necessary for advancement. I feel that higher education doesn't necessary lead to higher learning. Many people go to college as filler, a way to take time because they are not ready to be an “adult”. A chunk of students just go through the motions of college and not experience the importance of actually LEARNING SOMETHING! Also, students have to do more then go to class they have to excel in the college community to be successful in life. I pay 15,000 dollars to go to college not for the classroom but for the shrubbery on campuses and my dorm room. I feel like there is a disconnect. College should not just be about that , it should be about bettering yourself mentally as a whole. Instead of progression I feel as digression of the mind happens a lot on college campuses. The focus too many is just to get a degree not necessary to learn. So really is all this money that I spend with all the fees, tuition, meal points, transportation and extras really going to benefit me? After four years of schooling some still cannot find a job..Maybe after all without drive and perseverance a degree it is just a piece of paper.
-Tatiana Malebranche

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