Sunday, June 13, 2010

The Kin

While I was watching Tv the other day, a commercial came on for a new phone called the Kin. I would not have thought twice about the commercial but after being in class discussions, it was kind of funny how much this commercial fit in. The Kin is a new phone designed for social networking. This shows how attached our society has become to the new facebook, twitter and email sites.

In an article I was reading, it says that the phone is aimed at young women and girls.
I personally do not like being put into that category, for I would never buy a device just so I could keep in touch with others through networking sites. The article also mentioned how the phone is fairly overpriced. One would like to think that this means it will not sell however, today I feel parents tend to spoil their kids with all the latest up to date technologies.

I see so many young girls that look no older than 10, carrying around Iphones and Blackberrys, is that truly necessary? I didn't get a cell phone until I was in high school and my mom worked at a cell phone store. I would call my dad to pick me up from the pay phone at school. I would "dial down the center" and my dad would deny charges from "come pick me up", and it saved us the money.

I can see why parents would want their children to have a phone in case of emergencies, but having a phone and having a piece of technology worth over $500 in your child's hands is out of this world to me. If we keep allowing children to get lost in the social networking life, who knows what the future holds.

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