Wednesday, June 9, 2010

cell phones or tracking device?

My cell phone number is extremely personal to me. I never give it out unless I have to for a job, at a doctor office or for school. When I am out at a bar, the excuse "I don't like to give me number out," seems to leave everyone with a blank stare. Usually after I say that, I'll get asked a few more times but eventually they will get the hint. The funny part is, now going out when I say that, I get asked if I have a facebook. To me that is even more uncomfortable for I have to give my first and last name to a complete stranger. I don't know how people feel comfortable handing their numbers out to a random person at a bar. My thoughts when I am at a bar and someone wants my number is that they really only have one thing on their mind, we all know about booty calls.

Cell phones have become such a major way to communicate with people between texting, BBM, calling and even sending pictures. I feel that you have to always watch what you say to someone and be aware that your information can be forwarded with a click of a button. People are constantly on their cell phones and it takes away from a social setting. Rather than talk to someone in a room, everyone will be off in their own world on their cell phones.

Working at my job, there is nothing that I hate more than when I am helping a customer and I think they are asking me a question and I look up to see that they are babbling away on their bluetooth. I also love watching people attempt to communicate while driving. On my way to school the other day I saw a girl trying to text and smoke a cigarette simultaneously, not such a bright idea. I think our society needs to rely on cell phones for comfort in case of emergencies rather than mark their calendar for the day the newest i phone will be released.

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