Sunday, July 4, 2010

Fourth of July

First of all I would like to wish everyone a happy 4th of July. The day is very hot and I’m staying in and working on homework. However, my sons father promised to take my son to see fireworks. Now my sons father has to be at work at 5:30am. I suggested that instead of going into the city to see the “Macy’s 4th of July” fireworks spectacle, he should park along the route to Jones Beach and see the fireworks from the street with my son. He told me “due to the budget cuts in Long Island, they decided not to do fireworks this year”. I was so upset. Not only are they cutting extracurricular activities in our schools, but any other chance that kids get to enjoy themselves outdoor they are also taking away. The ones in charge of how they spend the budgets out here should seriously take a look at the damage they are causing. They are probably spending money on meaningless stuff, but because they don’t want to rid themselves of certain commodities, they rather make seemingly difficult for children to have a good time outdoors. Do you have any idea how many people are used to going to Jones beach and witnessing the fireworks spectacle there? It is a lot of people. Why do they do this? Can’t they cut out other things?

Budgets need to be restructured based on what is most important and what will grant us lasting and meaningful results. Watching the fireworks with your family and loved ones is a great way to spend the holidays . You only spend money in gas and all you need is some bug spray. In this economy people can’t afford to go into the city and spend double the amount of gas money or train fare and on top of that get home several hours later due to the amount of commuting people. They better have it next year!!!

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