Tuesday, March 23, 2010


I can't be the only one.

I might not have the mountains of midterms like some, and I might be a little under the weather but I can't seem to focus. Like, at all. For the past three hours I've been attempting to read a play that's only four acts. I'm about two acts in. Fantastic

Maybe it's the internets fault. It's so big and vast and has so many interesting things. I have pages to check. Photos to upload. Things to write. Wrongs to right. Friends to talk to. I can't seem to close the machine and busy my face into the needed book. My To-Do list is hanging right n front of my face and still I peek around it to try and bypass work for a little longer. This has to be an indication of something gone wrong, procrastination or otherwise. Some sort of signal that we need to close the machines and get back to life and obligations.

And I'm doing this instead of reading.

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